Organização: Escola de Medicina em conjunto com a ESPGHAN e Unidade de Gastrenteologia, Hepatologia e Nutrição Pediatrica do Hospital de Braga
Temática: Gastrenterologia/ Endoscopia Pediatrica
Resumo: This 4th ESPGHAN Endoscopy Summer School (8th Hands On Course: Pediatric Endoscopy) focuses on the role of endoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of GI disorders. It aims to provide residents in pediatric gastroenterology and practicing GI endoscopists an update on current advances, with a comprehensive description of the endoscopic techniques, including educational videos, wireless capsule hands-on training, colonoscopy simulator and hands on sessions in pigs with hemostasis, foreign body removal, polypectomy, PEG, variceal ligation. The faculty members are nationally and internationally recognized experts in the field of diagnosis and therapeutic endoscopy.
Programa (PDF, 327KB)
Comunic. Livres: Sim
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Secretariado: UPG - Unidade de Pós-Graduação <>
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